A Remember When Moment…I always love spending time with my Dad. This weekend I got to hang out with his guinea fowl.Jul 12, 2021Jul 12, 2021
Write Your Story…What story do you have brewing in your head that keeps you awake at night? Or maybe it’s a story that changed your life in such a big… or…Jul 8, 2021Jul 8, 2021
Shift Praxis In LeadersWhat is Praxis? Simply put “The integration of belief with behaviour” See the Wikipedia definitionJul 3, 2019Jul 3, 2019
Distraction Deviants and Enablers of LeadersThe dreaded achilles heel for many leaders, managers, bosses … email, electronic communication, social media … shudder…Jun 28, 2019Jun 28, 2019
Meeting Roadmap Ideas For ProductivityLet’s face it, we all really dislike going to staff, management and leadership meetings. They drag on and on and on. But we know that…Jun 27, 2019Jun 27, 2019
What’s On Your Bucket List?Yesterday I watched a movie in the middle of the day. Yup, I indulged myself instead of doing things on my “To Do” list. At first I felt…Jun 26, 2019Jun 26, 2019
Managing And Running A Company In The 21st CenturyDr Albert Schweitzer was asked, “Doctor, what is wrong with men today?” The great doctor was silent a moment, and then he said, “Men…Jun 20, 2019Jun 20, 2019
Be Who You Are Not Who You Think You AreWith Paradigm Shift coming up in a couple weeks, I’ve been really thinking on my paradigm and how I’ve changed since the last one (April…Jun 19, 2019Jun 19, 2019
What Is The Terror Barrier?I’ve been learning from my mentor, Bob Proctor for a very long time and one of the things he’s passionate about teaching is Paradigm…Jun 18, 2019Jun 18, 2019
Where Are You On Your List of Priorities?How many times have you said you’re going to do something and then for whatever reason you don’t? How often have you made a promise to…Jun 16, 2019Jun 16, 2019