Write Your Story…

Tammie Lynne — MPoweringU
2 min readJul 8, 2021

What story do you have brewing in your head that keeps you awake at night? Or maybe it’s a story that changed your life in such a big… or perhaps small, way that you’ve never thought about it impacting someone else for the good.

All my life I’ve had stories floating around in my brain that actually keep me awake at night. Since I can remember, I’ve kept a journal because my Mom said that it would help me sleep if I wrote all my thoughts down. Get them out of my head and on paper so that I could just relax. Well, it might help most nights but then there are those nights, and days where the stories are sooooo powerful that they aren’t satisfied just being put in a journal.

Then what? What do these stories want, that will satisfy them?

I’m sure you’ve read the Harry Potter series, right? I have and then I went on to see what I could find out about their author. She has an amazing story of her own to share. Go check out her biography… but I digress here. You see, all the while I was reading about her, reading her stories, I got the feeling she was just like me! I believe that the Harry Potter stories were screaming at her to be told and shared. They weren’t satisfied with just being put in a journal. Thus, the Harry Potter world was born.

I’m not saying that my, or your story is going to take the world by storm like JK Rowling's did, but I’m saying if you have that kind of story that just cries to get written and shared, do it. Don’t let anything or anyone keep you from writing it down. Take it from me. I spent my whole life thinking I’d never get my story, or rather, stories told because they weren’t good enough. Who said that? Self talk, that’s who.

So today, I say, “listen to your story, put it on paper, let your heart shine through.” Honestly, you’ll feel a weight lift when you do, even if you never publish it, at least you wrote your story. And that’s all that matters.



Tammie Lynne — MPoweringU

Freelance writer, published author, fun-attracting, adventure seeking, trouble-finding mom. Really, I’m just me.